Monday, August 29, 2011

The li'l nothings!

6.45 p.m. and she is at the station. After working all day she doesn’t even have the strength to smile. Waiting for the train she was lost in her own world. Random thoughts and worries were bothering her. Anagha was a free bird. 9 to 6 job won’t make her happy! She wanted to live life the way she wanted. A small li’l cubicle can’t bind her. But well, the reality was something else. She had to work; she had to sit in that cubicle. And that’s what made her hate her job.

All these thoughts made her feel uncomfortable. Finally she ran out from their and went to the place where she always wants to be, the little place beside the sea. :)  The relief that Anagha felt when she sat beside the sea was divine. The sun full of life was setting in the deep blue sea just to show us the different shades of orange. Her mind was as calm and as peaceful as the sea. All thoughts vanished somewhere in the Universe. It was just the sea and the sun that mattered to her. Life suddenly seemed better to Anagha.

And then she realised how she missed these little things in her life.  :)

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy 2011 !!!


An interesting day to start my bolg. I dont know what my blog will contain but for sure everyone will find some thing or the other for themselves. :)

This year i'll reduce the consumption of chocolates!!!
This year i'll start gyming!!!
This year i'll reduce texting!!!

No,no... I'm not saying all this. These are some of the resolutions which you might have taken! ;)
I wish the resolutions people take did last longer then 2nd January.

As they say: May your troubles last as long as your New Year resolutions!

And so I zeroed down to a resolution which didn't need efforts and special care to be taken .
My 2011's resolution is to SMILE :) !!!

Smile costs nothing and it justs spreads like an epidemic! There are thousands in this world who need just a single smile to drive them through the whole day. Give them a smile and see the glow in their eyes. For a while forget what 'you' are going through and help someone in bringing a smile on their face. We all have our share of problems, but it is how we tackle them witha smile on our face, that matters.

I have taken the resolution to smile, hope you join me soon.

Leaving you with a poem of mine which i wrote one and a half year back!

Loving you is like the best thing, I’ve ever did in mah lyf...
Loving you is like getting everything I’ve desired for..!!!
Loving you is like forgetting past and future and living that moment...
Loving you is like getting free...
Loving you is to feel the soul...
Loving you is the innocence of a baby...
Loving you is the joy of getting drenched in the rains...
Loving you is the pious sin that i always like to commit...
Loving you is like the ray of hope which forces me to live wen everything falls apart...
Loving you is the pain i feel, when you’re away from me...
And ultimately...
Loving you is the way in which i remind myself that I EXIST...!!